Batch query to get a record count for all tables in a database

06 Jan 2012

Tutorial T-sql

I needed to get a quick record count for all the tables in a particular database that contains around about 100 tables. I didn't want to waste time selecting the count for each table individually, so I knocked up a quick query that would loop through all the tables in the database (using **sp_MSforeachtable**) and ordered it by the total record count. You may find the query useful. Cheers Mug

-- Step1.    Create a temp table
create table #temp
    TableRowCount int,
    DatabaseTable nvarchar(50)

-- Step 2.    Using the system proc spMSforeachtable,
--            loop through each table and insert the 
--            row count and table name in the temp table.
exec spMSforeachtable '
                insert into #temp 
                    count(*) as TableRowCount, 
                    ''?'' as DatabaseTable 

-- Step 3.    Select everything from the temp table and order.
order by
    TableRowCount desc

-- Step 4. Don't forget to drop the temp table    
drop table #temp